Thursday, February 22, 2007

Are you fucking kidding me?

From Courthouse News on Feb. 22, 2007...

A student in Northwest Community College’s Licensed Practical Nursing program has sued the college in Delta, Miss., Federal Court, claiming it discriminated against her by kicking her out because she has dyslexia and dysphasia: impaired speech and verbal comprehension.

Now I don't know all the details, or how the girl got into the school in the first place, but it seems to me that someone who has impaired speech and verbal comprehension issues probably should not be a LPN or any kind of nurse for that matter. Call me crazy, but I prefer my nurses be able to communicate and properly read what it is they are supposed to be doing and/or giving to me. And shouldn't my right to safe and proper health treatment trump this girl's supposed right to attend school to become a LPN? Where the fuck is the line if not at the "you gotta be able to read and write and speak properly to provide medical services" line? What's next -- people who use walkers suing because they can't be firemen?

1 comment:

tougervang said...

Everything is just funny!But I understand it from your point of view too.