Not but ten days ago I dared suggest that I would find the time to write here more often. And, of course, what happens in those ten days? The brother of one of my oldest friend's dies at the age of 40. And then, as if that wasn't enough, my deepest and dearest friend in all the world is diagnosed with Stage IVB cervical cancer at the age of 36. Needless to say blogging here is no longer at the top of my list of things to do. Instead, I have thrown myself headlong into planning a fundraiser to pay for medical expenses for this friend of mine and I have quickly buried myself in a to do list so deep and overbearing that I don't have the time to blog or sleep or think about the fact that my friend, as close as any sister, may not live long enough to celebrate her next birthday. So I plan. I interview bands. I solicit donations (if I have your personal email, you've probably already heard from me but if you haven't - got anything someone else might one that I can raffle?). I design t-shirts. And I stay busy so I don't have to think too long about this fucking shitty situation. And that brings me here -- because what kind of fundraiser would I be if I didn't advertise the event on my own freaking blog. Right? So - in case you find yourself in my neck of the woods in the middle of next month...
Cocktails for Cary
November 17, 2007, 1-6pm
Location: JustJakes, Montclair, NJ
Live music, including Barnacle Bill
Silent auction & raffle/brown bag auction
Drink specials
$20 gets you in the door.
All proceeds will be used to offset my friends medical expenses.
My friend started treatments on Monday. The doctor promised we'd get a "prognosis" (or in regular English - a how much longer she has to live diagnosis) in 5 weeks. Fundraiser is in 4. I'll stop in here when I can with updates and my usual bitching when I come up for air between follow-up phone calls and band interviews, but in all seriousness, if you stumble upon this post and can give or come to the event and win something or happen to be a famous musician and can come play for us, drop a line to cocktailsforcary@gmail.com and lend a hand.
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